
综合文章 时间:2023-05-25
【www.wendang123.cn - 综合文章】









  4、散文的景和情:情是景的灵魂,景是情的依托。 教学重难点


  2、难点:变换写景角度和修辞手法的运用。 课时安排: 一课时







  1948年6月,在拒绝“美援加面粉”的宣言上签字。临终前嘱夫人:“有件事要记住,??我们家以后不买国民党配给的美国面粉!” 8月12日,在贫病交加中逝世于北平。毛泽东高度评价他说:“我们中国人民是有骨气的。??朱自清一身重病,宁可饿死,不领美国的‘救济粮’。??我们应当写闻一多颂,写朱自清颂,他表现了我们民族的英雄气慨。”

  2、时代背景介绍。 《绿》,写于1924年。当时,南方成为革命的策源地,北伐战争已在酝酿之中。尽管朱自清并没有投身到革命的激流里去,但他对中国社会的前途,时刻都在关心着;对于以统一为大业的北伐,无疑也是抱支持态度的。他这一时期的思想,基本上还保持着“五四”运动时期青年人勇于进取的势头。这反映在他的散文作品里,则表现为格调的明朗,节奏的明快,满蓄着“为人生”、“写实”和昂扬向上的生命活力。《绿》虽然不过是一篇写景文,但只要仔细品味,还是很容易触摸到作者思想的跳动着的脉搏,看到一颗热爱自然、热爱生命、热爱祖国的赤子之心。















  文章充分体现了“形散神不散”的特点。课文结构:(投影屏幕显示)开头点题:惊诧于梅雨潭的绿 结尾扣题:不禁惊诧于梅雨潭的绿




  当“梅雨潭闪闪的绿色招引着我们”时,“我们开始追捕她那离合的神光了。揪着草,攀着乱石,小心探身下去,又鞠躬过了一个石穹门,便到了汪汪一碧的潭边了”。作者用“招引”一词是拟人用法,把静态的“梅雨潭闪闪的绿色”写成动态,反衬“我”急于领略那可爱的绿的急切心情。用“追捉”、“揪着”、“攀着”、“探身”、“鞠躬”等动词,准确、自然地写出了探奇揽胜的急切心情。这时,“我的心随着潭水的绿而摇荡”,看着那醉人的绿,作者情不自禁地“想张开两臂抱住她”。当作者尽情地欣赏发潭面、水波、水光、水色之后,当作者又用心地比较了水光、水色之后,那种狂喜、倾慕、欢愉、神往的感情终于倾泻而出,达到了高潮:“可爱的,我将什么来比拟你呢?我怎么比拟得出呢?”那醉人的绿呀!??我含不得你,我怎舍得你呢?我用手拍着你,抚摩着你,如同一个十二三岁的小姑娘。我又掬你入口,便是吻着她了。“我送你一个名字,我从此叫你‘女儿绿’,好么?”这感情的倾泻,不但表现在语言上直接抒发,更表现在动作上的情不自禁:“我想张开两臂抱住她”,“我用手拍着你,抚摩着你”,“我又掬你入口,便是吻着她了。还忍不住要从此叫你‘女儿绿’。” 这样,作者在描绘景色的过程中,就把狂喜、倾慕、欢愉、神往的感情融汇在梅雨潭的一片绿色之中,情与景交织在一起。

  四、谈谈《绿》的抒情特色 学生讨论并归纳。










  1、课后练习一、二、三。 教后记:





  简要回顾《春》的语言特色(清新优美)。“(他的散文)能够贮满着那一种诗意”“除冰心外,文章之美,要算他了”——郁达夫 明确学习目标:通过反复诵读课文来欣赏文章语言准确形象、饱含感情的特点。熟悉作者 讲授新课。熟悉课文。



  提问1:请问你从文中读出了朱自清的什么样的感情呢?这种感情是如何抒发的呢? 明确:文中充溢的是朱自清看到梅雨潭的绿后的惊喜之情。以情驭景,借景抒情,情景交融。提问2:文章在结构上有何特点?结尾比开头多“不禁”一词,有何表达效果? 明确:文章在结构上首尾呼应。“不禁”再次表达了作者对梅雨潭的绿的赞美之情,抒发了作者对她的无比喜爱之情






(三)、形象、生动: 比喻:

  梅雨亭——展翅的苍鹰 梅雨瀑——被扯散的布 水花——白梅、杨花

  碧绿的潭水——极大极大的荷叶(形色)少妇的裙(涟漪)初恋处女的心(荡漾)涂了“明油”(波光)软嫩的鸡蛋清(软嫩)温润的碧玉(清澈)蔚蓝的天空(鲜润)小姑娘(可爱)拟人: 踞、透、扯、送、钻、招引、摆弄











  把握散文主旨的一般方法:从品味关键句——凝聚着作者感情体验和理性思考的语句入手。教学重难点: 教学目标






  本文题为“囚绿记”,意思是记述“囚绿”的经过。① 哪几段写囚绿的?囚绿之前,之后写了什么?





  二、刚才你在快速阅读时,哪一段或哪几段最打动你?我们来读一下,好好品味。 个别读(说明理由)、散读、全读。我们在朗读时,都被作者对绿的挚爱感动了,作者为什么对绿——一株常春藤这么爱呢?请同学们再默读课文,思考两个问题,圈划有关词、短语、句子,作些批注。作者笔下的绿有怎样的特点呢?



  全班交流(每组推选一名代表),深化感悟。蓬勃 绿向阳 固执





  向往光明、自由 坚贞不屈的抗敌精神



  当我们自己写作时,应在文章的显要处文首文尾,段首段尾,写上凝聚自己感情体验与理性思考的语句,使文章脉胳清楚,更深刻感人。布置作业: 课文《囚绿记》在表现手法上有许多可供我们鉴赏学习的地方。如: 文章的结构清晰,简繁得当,各尽其妙。借物抒情,托物寄意的象征手法。善用拟人、比喻的修辞手法。文字表达细腻、质朴等。


  环球城市 风行绿墙




  三、体会本文精当而又不乏情趣的语言。 教学过程:


  同学们,墙随处可见,不同时期不同式样的墙所起的作用也不尽相同,远古的栅栏,抵御了野兽的袭击。闻名于世的万里长城抵住了敌人的入侵,苏州园林那隔而不隔的花墙,则增添了景致的深度。那我们现在的城市流行什么墙呢?究竟有何价值呢?今天我们就来学习宋淑远的《环球城市 风行绿墙》,希望大家从中找到答案,受到启发。


  三、学生浏览课文: 回答:
















  一双手 教学目标:整体感知(多角度描写);感悟精神 教学过程;

  一、导入:同学们,我们学过不少写人的文章,而写人的文章要写得成功,势必要把人物写得成功,那么写人的一般方法有哪些呢?今天,我们再来学习一篇写人的文章——一双手(板题)同学们课前对课文进行了预习,下面我想了解两个简单的信息: 这篇文章写的人物是谁? 这个人物的职业是什么? 文章的作者是什么身分? 作为一位记者,采访一位林业工人,为什么单单要写他的一双手呢?这双手有怎么样的与众不同之处呢? 新课学习:


(一)、朗读课文,(听读的同学注意圈划“文中是如何具体从细处描写作者所见到的张迎善的手的特征的”)。 [师扳书:所见](二)、填充句子:文章写了一双__________的手。填充句子(两个学生板演),其他学生同时对写手特征的的句子进行评注。齐读所填充的句子(感知多角度写手的效果)。





(二)、刚才写了所见的手的丑的外表,那么,造成张迎善手的“奇丑”的特征原因是什么?记者姜孟之从采访中了解到了吗?从文中找出来,并标划出来。 标划。齐读体会。








  作业:写一篇短文:妈妈的一双手(也可写令你难忘的一双手)板书设计: 一双手(所见)丑


  表明张迎善是一个_____的人 粗-硬-色深-木色-干-厚-大



  Teaching Plan Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship

  Topic 1 Do you like watching TV Key words and phrases: alive, upon, hide, honest, compare, advertisement, raise, would rather…than…, fall in love, depend on, once upon a time Grammar focus: Review Attributive Clause Sentence patterns: you teach me how to play? ’s hard for me to learn to play Chinese hope someday I can take part in a quiz show and win a —Which programs do you prefer, TV shows or sports shows?—I would rather watch TV shows than sports are kind and always ready to help , sometimes you do not forgive words about plants and animals are used in positive or negative ways in different has a huge influence on our sometimes is like a spends more time with children than parents spend le time playing soccer or walking in the park or playing games in the Procedures: Section A Step 1 Ask and answer, according to some daily 2 Introduce some kinds of TV look at the screen and talk about

  1 the dialog in Part 1a and answer the some language items in the 3 Students look at the screen and talk about the TV programs, using the sentence patterns: would rather… than…, prefer… to… , I like… best, my favorite TV programs is… 4 Look at the screen and talk about each picture, then match the picture with its description in the 5 Listening to the tape and choose the correct the film Jane Eyre to the students in brief 6

  Sum up the language points in this 7 Homework B Step 1 Ask students to talk about their favorite TV programs in 2 Introduce the twelve star signs to the ask what star sign they are 3 Listen to the tape in 1a and answer the questions in 4 Talk about the story about Scorpio in students to try to say more about up some language points and explain them for the 5 Read the story again and discu the questions in Step 6 Summary and students to search for more information about the star signs and talk about the characteristics of the people under the same star C Step 1 Talk about the characteristics of people who under the same star sign with in pairs or ask some of them to present 2 Look at the pictures in 1a and talk about each of them, three or more sentences for make dialogs about them, following the models in 3 Listen to the tape and number the pictures in 4 Read and the paage in 2a, Different countries have different the differences between western culture and Chinese the students to say more about 5 Students read the paage again and try to retell it in 6 Fill out the form in 2b, check the the students to say more about the differences between western culture and Chinese 7 Sum up the language points together with the D

  3 Step 1 Talk about the sayings about “dog” and “cat” in Chinese and something more about the differences between Chinese culture and western 2 Read the paage in 1a and find out its main up some language 3 Ask the students to show their own opinions about the share their ideas statement in 1b may help 4 Get students to sum up the useful expreions 5 Learn something about the the students how to them to find an interesting topic to have a 6 Ask students to review the whole ready for the 2 The Monkey King is my favorite words and phrases: bee, keep on, get stuck, be known for Grammar:(1)Attributive clause(2)Adverbial clause(3)Object clause Sentence patterns:(1)It’s a pity that he died when he was very young.(2)If you work hard at painting, it won’t be difficult for you to succeed.(3)Well, that depends on what kind of paintings you want to learn.(4)While you are there, you can also learn about the lives of the (5)What kind of art do you prefer, modern art or traditional art?(6)The way he shows things in the distance is different from the way Gu Kaizhi does.(7)Perhaps that is the reason why I prefer to paint landscapes.(8)Could you tell me something about the Monkey King?(9)One tree can’t make a forest.(10)During the journey they had an argument, ….(11)They kept on walking until they found a pond.(12)…, but luckily he was saved by his that, he carved on a stone, …(13)When someone hurts you, you should write it in the sand from which the wind can erase it easily.(14)Do you agree that it is good to forgive your friends when they hurt you?(15)But we like him for different procedures: Section A Step 1 Ask students to look at the screen and try to say something about the pictures—Vincent van Gogh and his most famous painting, Vase with twelve the new 2 Students listen to the tape and answer the “Dutch, painter, It’s a pity that …”.Step 3 Students discu whether they want to be an show the reasons, with the help of the statements in 4 Group talk about their favorite artists and ask some of them to present their 5 Look at the screen and talk about the paintings and their students say

  5 more about mention the background of each painting, help them to understand art 6 Make a survey about the clamates’ favorite kinds of fill our the forms according to the results of the 7 B Step 1 Students talk about the pictures in 3a, Section 2 Introduce Gu Kaizhi, the father of landscape paintings in ancient show his most famous painting— students to say something about 3 Listen to the tape and answer the students to make a comparative between the paintings by Gu Kaizhi and Vincent van 4 Discu and fill out the form in students to show their ideas about the two 5 Listen to the tape and number the pictures in the correct say something about the birth of the Monkey 6 Homework C Step 1 Students tell the story of Journey to the Step 2 Say something about the novel Journey to the west and Harry about the main characters in both 3 Listen to the tape and answer the some items for the them to say more about the 4 Discu and fill in the form in the 5 Read and understand the paage in and students to sum up the main idea of the the students talk about the true 6 Look at the two pictures in 3, and choose one of them and describe a short story about it after 7 Summary and D Step 1 Talk about the pictures in 3, Section 2 Listen to the tape and complete the paage with the correct the answers with the students to sum up some grammar focus in the paage 3 Talk about your favorite hero in literature in some of them to present their 4 Get students to sum up the useful expreions in this topic Step 5 Look at the screen, talk about these famous people and their them to search for more information about 6 Cla and read the poem A Fantasy 7 Homework 3 I will never forget our words and phrases:

  chalk, handwriting, dozen, cheap, package, smooth, pound, dollar, penny, hurry, head, awake, dozens of, to one’ joy, hurry up, at any time now, in the future Sentences patterns:(1)How time flies!(2)It’s a piece of cake.(3)We have worked so hard that we will be able to pa it easily.(4)Where there is a will, there is a way.(5)Although they are cheap, they are valuable to remember our friendship.(6)As the saying goes, It’s the thought than counts.(7)You don’t need to say sorry.(8)What I will remember are all the good times we’ve spent together.(9)I’ve learned a lot from you all, my dear teachers and my good friends.(10)To my great joy, I won the Excellent Student Award in my cla.(11)Thanks to my teachers and friends, I’ve made so much progre.(12)After graduation, I will keep on working hard to realize my dreams.(13)The graduation ceremony is exciting because it marks the end of a period in a student’s school life.(14)She will mi her plane if she doesn’t hurry up.(15)I’m sad to be here watching you all head back (16)I’m sorry I have to go now.(17)Keep in touch.(18)Have a safe flight!

  Teaching procedures: Section A Step 1 Students listen to the songs the sound of silence and Auld Lang 2 Listen and read the paage in in the blanks in up some language points for 3 Group about what you will do before leaving school and report to your 4 Listen , read and say in some of the students to act out the 5 Make dialog about shopping for the coming graduation 6 Listen and mark the statements T or 7 Get students to sum up the language items in this 8 B Step 1 Retell 1a in Section 2 Listen to the tape and answer the Fill in the blanks in the some 3 Read and during the Graduation the questions on the some language 4 Read 2a again and choose similar meanings for the underline the answers 5 Pair with your partner what you are going to say at the graduation give a 6 Homework C Step 1 Give your own speech for the coming graduation ceremony in front of the 2 Introduce the new leons, about graduation and the paage and answer the questions to help students to understand the paage 3 Get students to pick up some language points in the paage then sum 4 Work in the form in 5 Choose the best answers to complete the dialog and then practice it with your Step 6 will you say to your old friends and how will you feel during graduation ceremony? Write a short paage about D Step 1 Students talk about the procedures at graduation 2 Listen to the tape and answer the pick up the language points 3 Read the dialog again and ask some students to act out the 4 Read the e-mail from Maria to Jane, and fill in the blanks in right forms of the words the 5 Get students to sum up the useful expreions in this 6 Ask students to try their best to finish the final 7 Review the whole topic and aign the homework.




  Unit 1

  1. 请问,你有没有CD 唱机?

  2. 我有一本英汉词典和几本汉英词典。3. 那些书架上现在摆着很多VCD。

  4. 我刚从图书馆借了一本关于历史的书。

  5. 他过去常常花很多钱买一些没有用的东西,不是吗? 6. 书给我们知识还带给我快乐。

  7. 他走几步,思考一会,然后带着书离开。8. 下个星期我要去北京。

  9. 第2天他忘记把书还给图书管理员了。10. 你还没有找到那本借来的书吗 ? 没有。11. 我已经到处都找了,但我还是没有找到。

  12. 很可能有人会在校园里找到了书签,迟早会归还的。

  13. 更糟糕的是,如果我不能按时归还的话,我将要为那些不见的书赔钱。14. 当他蹋进草地的时候,他看到一张10圆的钞票躺在地上。15. 那个图书管理员想到一个好主意,能够帮助我找回丢失的书。16. 你出过国吗? 从来没有。

  17. 你能不能想到其他的办法来鼓励外国人来中国旅游。18. 让我在电脑上找找看谁拿走了它。

  19. 我难过的拾起那盘录象带。那是我送给她的生日礼物啊。20. 你有没有别的颜色啊?对不起,我们没有其他的颜色。21. 她的业余爱好就是读书。

  22. 你要的书我没有,但是让我看看能不能想点别的办法。23. 作为一个妇女,她发现很难得到好的报酬。24. 我们不能照搬美国的经验。

  25. 那个11岁大的女孩没能游过那条50米宽的大河。

  Leon 43 一、教学目的1.掌握四会单词、词组,了解词义,搭配及用法。

  be small with tree house

  have a look

  in the tree

  2.巩固There be句式。




  2.灵活、正确使用There be句式。







  六、教学过程 Step 1 Revision

  1.Free talk



  3.教师同时挂出第43课挂图。Look at the picture, today we’ll learn leon 43(板书)。

  Step 2 Presentation

  T:Look at the is a tree you like to play in the tree house?

  S:Yes, we do.(把学生的兴趣调动起来)

  T:There is a big tree behind Li Lei’s the big tree, there is a small play you know big and small?(辅以手势,让学生明白)It is a tree house(稍作解释tree house)Li Lei and his friends like to play in the tree house(解释like to play,例:Do you like to swim?…)问学生Do you like to play in the tree house?Why?What’s in the tree house?Can you Gue?教师提出问题后,由学生自由想象,发挥回答,练习There be句式。

  Step 3 Drill



  Step 4 Presentation

  Look at the you find Tom and Bill? Where are Tom and Bill?

  Yes, they are up there in the attention to the prepositional phrases in the tree and on the tree.

  例:The apples are on the tree.苹果在树上。

  i’m in the tree.我在树上。

  强调外来的东西在树上用 in the thee,属于树本身的东西在树上用on the tree.

  Tom is in the tree will attention to “with”.It is a means“和、跟” in Chinese,表示伴随。

  例:Go with me.跟我走。

  The teacher came in with a book.老师拿着一本书进来了。

the books, 学生自读,教师答疑。


(2)have a look 看一看。

  例: Is this your book? Let me have a look.这是你的书吗?让我看一看。

  have a look 与 look 同义。

  例: Look at your a look at your book.(3)选择疑问句,由一般疑问句 + or…?构成。语调是or前面为升调,or后面为降调。回答时不能用Yes或No, 应从两个选项中择其一。

  例: Are you a boy or a girl?

  i’m a boy.我是男孩。强调不能说 Yes, I’m a it a desk or a chair? It is a 5 Practice

  Step 6 Consolidation


you Li Ming or Li Lei?

, I am Li , I am not Li ’m Li , I you see the apples __________ the tree?

coat is let me ___________.

a look


Lei ___________ Li Ming go there _________ the , and

, and

, with

, with

__________ a table, two beds and a clock in the

________ two beds, a table and a clock in the


’s up there in the tree.(就画线部分提问)

’s a tree house in the tree.(就画线部分提问)

and Lucy are under the tree.(就画线部分提问)

table is big.(与Small构成选择疑问句)Step 7 Workbook

: Key words: Who, What, Where, Which, : Key words: There, are, some, boys, and, girls, in, 8 Summary


  2.big-small 互为反义词,big means not .知识点:have a look

  in the tree



  Step 9 Homework





  一、Teaching aims and 词汇 province enjoyable rush railway lively all kinds of comfortable keep doing sth scenery offer magazine practice moving 2.日常交际用语

  3.语法 宾语从句

  二、The important points of teaching: 宾语从句

  4.三、The difficult points of teaching: 日常交际用语 宾语从句 四、Teaching tools:


  五、Teaching steps: Step 1 Revision

  1 Revise making simple telephone Check the 2 Pre-reading SB Page 17, Part over the questions with the have the students work in pairs to discu the several students to share their answers with the 3 Presentation Ask the students about the telephone dialogue in Leon did Mr Green want to talk to the headmaster about? Now have the students look at the picture at the bottom of Page some of the new words by talking about Jim’s train ride like this: Jim is going to Sichuan Province on the is having an enjoyable trip is not train is very lively because some people are playing cards, some are reading magazines and some just train is very comfortable because it’s easy to move around the train Jim can also look outside at the beautiful you’re speaking, write down the words province, enjoyable, rush, lively, magazine, comfortable and the students to gue their 4 Reading SB Page 17, Part 2, Speech Caette Leon the students scan the paage for the answer to the following What did Jim think the train was like? Play the tape and have the students listen and 5 Workbook Wb Leon 14, and exercises can be done together as a Finish off the Wb 1 Revision

the the date, weather and 2 Presentation

  Divide the cla into four each group a different sentence and practise it:

  T: Which season do you like best?

  Group A:I like spring best, because everything begins to : Which season do you like best?

  Group B:I like summer best, because it is good for : Which season do you like best?

  Group C:I like autumn best, because it’s : Which season do you like best?

  Group D:I like winter best, because I can go 3 Drill

  Point to a group randomly and ask Which season do you like best? The group has to give the appropriate with individual 4 Presentation

  Get the Ss to ask each other questions: Which season do you like best? Which season do you like better, spring or summer? Why? Do you like winter? Why(not)? While the Ss are discuing about the different seasons, you may join in the discuion by using Wang Wei’s words in her the new words and expreions by gesture or translation, and write them down on the example, when a student says that he/she likes summer best, you may say I like summer, is the warmest often it rains quite heavily, the discuion, revise the new words and expreions on the 5 Reading

  Sb page Caette Leon the Ss What did Wang Wei write about in her letter? Get them to read the letter quickly to find the the Ss read the letter more them some questions from Wb Leon 63, , play the tape as a model for the Ss to practise reading in group, then individual Ss.[1] [2] [3] 下一页


  Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!


  Section A 1a—2d











  Step 1 Lead in The teacher shows some pictures about different festivals on PPT and helps the students talk about and learn the names of these festivals: the Water Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival,the Chinese Spring Festival, the Lantern festival,the Mid-Autumn Festivai, the Christmas,Halloween,Easter, 2 Practice 1a, 1b , the students to complete 1a,individually first,then check the answer and read the decriptions in 1a with their the students to read the conversation in 1a,and try to describe pictures a-d in pairs present their conversations to the Ask the students to read the sentences in 1b,then play the recording for the the students to listen and circle T for true or F for The teacher asks two students or read the conversation in 1c to the ask the students to make other conversations to talk about the festivals in that, some pairs should be asked to present their conversations to the 3 Listening 2a 2b the students to look though the sentences in sure they can understand the meaning of each ask the students to listen to the conversation between Wu Ming and Harry and circle the correct words in the Ming did a lot of fun activities, but these also have domn ask the students to listen and fill in the chart the 4 2c

  Ask two or three pairs to read the model conversation to the let the students do the pair work to make up their own conversations, using the information in 2a and let some pairs present their conversations to the 5 Role-play 2d The students read the conversation and then check their answers the recording for the students to listen and them to play more attention to the pronunciation and the students read the conversation in pairs and find out some useful expreions and language points in their 6 Homework Please choose one of them as your to the tapes and read after the tapes of 1b,2a 2b,2d for three times and try to remember the new words and to wrete a short paage about Wu Ming’s vacation, according to the information in 2a and 2b.第二课时 Section A3a—4c











  Step 1 Review

  check the students’ a dictation about the new words and the the students present and correct their short paages in ask some of them to present them to the 2 Reading 3a 3b

  3a Make the students understand the meaning of the questions, then let them read the paage in 3a to find the answers to the Ask the students to read the sentences in 3b the paage the events in the correct order individually according to the paage in the answers ask the students to read the paage again and find some key words and the language points in pairs or in groups that the teacher should emphasize something important and 3 Grammar Focus the students to read the sentences in the left coiumn of the grammar these sentences and circle words that,if and the Water Festival is really fun in the first a question: Which part of speech are these words?

  Then ask some students to make sentences using that,if and the students to read the sentences in the right column of the grammar write the four sentences on the board and circle the words what and a question: What do they expre?

  Let some students try to make their own exclamatory sentences using how and 4 Practice 4a 4b 4c 4a Ask the students to read the first sentence in sure they can understand the Ask the students to read the paage in 4b and underline the objective check the answers in pairs or ask the students to write their own sentences about Mother’s Day and Father’s Day using objective clauses 4c Ask the students to interview their group members about their favorite festivals and write a short 5 Homework 请分别列出section A 部分所学过的宾语从句和感叹句,然后再用这两种语言结构各写出五个句子。

  第三课时 SectionB 1a---2b


  1、学习使用与festivals话题相关的词汇,如:scary, dre up, haunted house, ghost, trick or treat, spider等。


  3、能运用scanning and skimming的阅读策略,完成2a,2b的阅读任务,搜集和处理相关信息。


  1、学习用“What have you learn about…?” “What do you like most about…?” “I think it’s…” 等句子表述对节日的喜好。

  2、初步理解文章“The spirit of Chrismas”的意义。



  四、教学过程 Step 1 Lead in

  check the homework a list of the objective clauses and exclamatory statements on let the students raed the sentences and check their lists by the students to correct their sentences in groups and present to the 2 Practice 1a

  Read the instructions of 1a to the sure the students understand the ask the students to look at the words and the words together and ask the students the meaning of each 3 Listening 1b 1c 1b Ask the students to read the questions 1---3 sure they can understand the play the recording for the students to listen and answer the Ask the students to read sentences 1---4 in 1c and ask them to gue the let the students listen to the tape and fill in the the answers in pairs or 4 Discuion 1d Ask students to discu about the let the students make up their own conversations in 5 Reading 2a 2b to the some sue the students understand the meanings of the questions, and ask the students to read the paage as quickly as they can find the 6 Homework Do a survey about your family’s favorite festivals and then write a paage about it, using the target language you have learned in this unit.第四课时

  Section B 2c---Self Check




  3.能围绕“The Spririt of Christmas”文章内容展开合理的想象,与同伴进行讨论和交流。4.能运用所学话题语言给笔友写信,描述自己最喜欢的中国节日,表达自己的观点。5.能运用适当的学习策略,复习、巩固和运用本单元重点目标语言。


  1.仔细阅读题为“The Spirit of Christas”的文段,能准确填写2c中的表格,回答所提的三个问题。

  2.学习使用推断策略,完成2d的任务要求,回答所提的六个问题。 3.根据所给提示及前期的语言积累,完成3b的写作任务。4.熟练运用本单元目标语言,完成Self—check部分的训练任务。



  难点:能灵活运用恰当的语言围绕“The Spirit of Christmas”文章内容展开合理想象,与同伴进行讨论交流,自主完成写作任务。

  四、教学过程 Step 1 Review the students to check their homework in students should correct their mistakes 2 Reading 2c—2e students read the paage and complete the discu their answers in pairs and correct the answers the students to go through the questions in 2d, and make sure the students understand the meanings of the the students to read the paage again and find some key words and pairs

  or in groups they discu that the teacher should emphasize something important and the students a question: What do you think the three ghosts say to Scrooge when they visit him?

  Step 3 Writing(3a, 3b)

students complete the chart in 3a and talk about their notes in ask some pairs to present their ideas to the the students to complete the letter in 3b the writing let the students read the 4 Self check the students to complete the paage in Part 1, then check the answers the students rewrite the students in Part 2 and check the answers ask the students to read the the students make sentences about a festival they liake using the words +that/whether/ check the 5 Homework

  write a short paage about your favorite Western festival, using the target language you have learned in Unit 2.



  科目 英语 年级 初三

  文件 middle3 标题 The accident 章节 第五单元 关键词 内容 教学目标

  1.词汇 A.单词

  四会: lose(lost), past, corner, or, travel, lie(lay), library,medicine, hurry

  三会: accident, motor, motorbike, suddenly, land, gate keeper,crowd, while B.词组/句型

  wash clothes make a dre ride a motorbike write a letter … , if you can have a little accident see sb do sth walk past give sth back to sb ride along the road play with sb worry about a traffic accident leave school shout to sb be badly hurt stop the traffic carry sb/sth to … It’s really nice of round … in the school library as quickly as one could, … the school office hurry off to do sth try to do sth hurry over It’s away tell sb about sth a medicine box hurry yp take sb/sth to… get help from … call to do sth


* I forgot the time.* You’d better go to bed earlier tonight, if you can.* What happened? * How kind!* It’s really nice of you.* It’s nothing.* You’ll be OK.* As quickly as she could, Mi Zhao got a medicine box.* Please hurry 语法: 过去进行时态(二)

  Statement forms陈述句形式

  i/He/She/It was(not)travelling too /You/They were(not)travelling too forms疑问句形式

  was I/he/she/it travelling too fast? Were you/we/they travelling too fast?




  when I got there, the Turners were having dinner.当我到那儿的时候,特纳一家正在吃晚饭。

  The Smiths live upstairs.史密斯一家住在楼上。

  The Greens are all doctors.格林一家都是医生。

  2.… , if you can.如果能够的话,…

  You’d better go to bed earlier tonight, if you can.如果可以的话,你今晚最好早点上床睡觉。

  Do it by yourself, if you can.如果可以的话,请亲自做这件事情。 a(little)accident发生一点意外(事故)I had a little accident last Sunday.上周日,我发生了一点意外。

  i had an accident on my way home.在回家的路上,我发生了意外。

  She died in a traffic accident.她在一次交通事故中死去。

  There was a car / a railroad / an airplane accident yesterday.昨天发生了一起汽车/火车/飞机事故。 vi.(偶然地)发生

  The accident happened at the corner.这起事故是在那个角落里发生的。

  how did it happen? 那是怎么发生的?

  what happened next? 下面发生了什么事情? sb do sth

  表示感觉的动词,如:see, watch, hear, feel等,其宾语后面的不定 式,一般不带to,作宾语补足语。

  A woman saw it happen when she was walking past.一位妇女走过的时候,她看见了(这件事的发生过程)

  i saw him walk acro the street.我曾经看到他穿过大街。

  i watched him go into the house and come out again a few minutes later.我看到他走进了那所房子,并且在几分钟之后有出来了。

  i often hear her sing this song.我经常听到她唱这首歌。

  i felt the earth move just now.刚刚我感到大地动了一下。

  具有使动意义的动词let和make后面的不定式也不带 the boys moved away the bag, the girls let the traffic go again.在男孩子们挪开那个袋子之后,女孩子们才让车辆通过。

  The teacher made the boy stand at his desk the whole cla.老师让这个男孩子在他的桌子旁站了一节课。 sth back to sb.把…归还给某人

= give sb back sth = return sth to sb(return sb sth)She picked it up and gave it back to me.她把它捡了起来,并把它还给了我。

  Don’t forget to give the money back to Jim.= Don’t forget to give Jim back the money.别忘了把钱还给杰姆。

  Please remember to return the bicycle to Li Lei.= Please remember to return Li Lei the bicycle.= Please remember to give Li Lei back the bicycle.= Please remember to give the bicycle back to Li Lei.请记着将自行车还给李雷。 adj.幸运的,好运的I was lucky enough to ge [1] [2] [3] [4] 下一页

  Leon 54 Keep Trying! Opening and Review * Greeting: * Drill: Review the content of last cla Ask some students to read the text of Leon 53 Procedures Step 1 Talk about how to learn English with the words: dictionary, look up, pronounce Step 2 at the text and listen to the radio to know how the writer to study the students what their favourite way to learn English? Step 3 Ask the students to read the text 4 * Dialogue between Li Ming and Wang Mei Key words and expreions stop trying! the text frequently to use the new words and make sentences with the words.初三英语:Leon 23教学设计方案

  Period: The third Period

  content: Leon 23

  Properties: Recorder

  Teaching Objectives: Students should master the dialogues, useful expreions about the present perfect tense and the object Focus:

long have you lived in…?

  i ve live here since…

long have you been doing sth.?

  i ve been doing …

s the longest time you ve been down?

  i ve been down as long as…

  4.… says(that)…

  Teaching Procedures:

Ⅰ.Organizing the cla

  Greetings and a duty report.Ⅱ.Revision

  To dictate the words last homework


  Present the sentence:

  how long have you learned English?

  Ask some students to go on:

  Do you like learning English?

  have the students practice this dialogue in Pairs, in last, act out the dialogue

Ⅳ.Read and say

  Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat

  Then ask:

  how long has Lin Yang lived in Honolulu?

  how long has Lin Yang been surfing?

  have the students ask the questions, check with the whole cla.Ⅴ.Practice

  Practice the dialogue in Pairs, then in act out the dialogue.Ⅵ.Ask and answer

  Talk about the dialogue of Part 2 in the sentences in Pairs.Ⅶ.Practice

  Talk in groups of first student says something, the second student may ask: What does he / she say? The third student repeats using the Object Clause: He / She says that…


  Finish off the exercises in the workbook.Ⅸ.Summary

  Exercise in cla:

  Rewrite the following sentences with the Object isn t easy to learn

  he says…

does live in the room?

  Do you know…

have paed the m glad…

ll be back in a hear…

dictionary is this?

  Tom asked…


says(that)physics isn t easy to you know who lives in the room?

m glad that you have paed the hear he ll be back in a asked whose dictionary this 18 Language Focus:

  The useful expreions:

  hainan Island;the second largest;the capital of;in the northeast of;no matter;click on;some information about;be fanmous for;a deer park;the edge of, the sky and the rim of the : Recorder;Overhead Projector: Pictures Teaching Procedures:

Ⅰ.Showing aims

  have the students know what they will learn in this leon and what they will do in this cla:

some useful the Information from the something about Hainan Island.Ⅱ.Revision

Leon : Could you tell me how to search the Internet? Have the students say out the sure the students can say one student to come to the front, ask another student to leach him how to search the Internet, just act according to the instructions if it can’t be done in the Object Clause in Leon the students to make up ask the students to act out the dialogue of Part 1 in pairs.Ⅲ.Pre-read

  Show a map of Hainan on the the students to find out “HaiKou” and divide the students into small groups to discu about Hainan : Do you have some knowledge about Hainan? How do you know about it? Have some students share their ideas with the cla.Ⅳ.Read

  Part the students to listen to the books open, read the paage loudly, and find the answers to the questions of Exercise 1 in the the answers in pairs.Ⅴ.Practice

  Play a one student to act as a tourist to show the other students around Hainan can introduce the scenery and the food to the other information is play this game in small groups, then in front of the cla.Ⅵ.Read and complete

  have the students work in pairs to complete the ask some pairs to read the dialogue, and check the answers with the whole :

you found out what we can do on Hainan Island?


  No matter how he will say, I won’t believe ’s see if we can find some information about that famous for

  hangzhou is famous for it’s edge of the sky and the rim of the sea Ⅶ.Workbook

  Do Exercise 2 with the whole get the students to do it individually, then ask one student to read the paage for the cla to check the Exercise 3 in the students make up similar dialogues in Exercise 4 after clas.Ⅷ.Exercises in cla

  Listen the type and answer:

  who went on the picnic over the weekend?

  what did they take to the picnic?

  what did they see in the park?


off the exercises in the the students to retell the text in the following cla.