
综合文章 时间:2020-06-08
【www.wendang123.cn - 综合文章】



  Nowadays, teenagers and minors are playing games endlessly. Playing games can also do harm to teenagers. Being addicted to the game will reduce the communication between children and their parents, and also pull down their children's achievements.


  One day, I suddenly had an idea, that is, let programmers install a program in the game. It needs to input ID card and face recognition to install the game. At the same time, set the game time and play for 30 minutes at most. When it's time to play, the game crashes and can't be downloaded again. If the same person violates the rules more than three times, all the games can't be played, ha ha.


  I hope my idea will come true as soon as possible, and let teenagers play games appropriately.